Monday 26 September 2016




  1. Hi Ruth! I'm Eva and i'll be mentoring you for a while ! It just means I'll help you out here and there hopefully with some handy advice. (`・ω・´)”

    These are lovely thumbnails and the range of varying compositions in accordance to what's going on in each one is great ! I'm glad that these are scanned as well (or you've done a very good job of photographing them !) So I'd like to suggest, when you can of course, to put the same sensitivity into the design of your blog itself. Something that a visitor can immediately pin as "Ruth" rather than looking very default. It doesn't have to be grandiose or overly complex in its appearance - just effective. (As a crude example, I like beetles and so my own blog is designed around beetles ha) You must see it as an extension of you though ! It's more fun that way.

    I wanna give you another good example of simple blog design that works: (this one isn't a student's but regardless)

    So yes, it's nice to meet ya and I'm sorry to nag you a little right off the bat but I will have to continue for a little while longer yet!

    1. Thank you very much! I love being told what I could do to improve my work and the blog as this one is my first! I will look into re-designing it this week to make it more "me" :3
