Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Minor Project - Animatic 2

After my feedback with Phil, we decided it would be better if my animation was more magical and abstract, playing with sizes, proportions, angles and camera shots. He showed me a video called one-minute puberty [Link Here] where this is demonstrated brilliantly. I have now re-drawn my storyboard (below video) to make it more interesting and magical. I'm determined to get this animation perfect!









Added Frame 1
Added Frame 2
Added Frame 4

Added Frame 3

Added Frame 5


  1. I am SO PROUD of you, Ruth! I found this animatic hugely moving - magical - it's like you've stepped completely through that door into something transformed, which punches to the emotions in this piece. Let's meet on Monday - I've got a few pointers - a few places where I think maybe we could do with a bit more resonance with what's being said (really I'm talking about the section where you're carving the little horse - I felt I just wanted a bit of additional visual mirroring there...) but I REALLY connected with this treatment of your story - WELL DONE! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so happy that it's finally starting to get somewhere :D If I can have the first slot on your minor project tutorials on Mon that'll be great! I'm feeling much more enthusiastic about this now, the tequila worked wonders xD

  2. Hey Ruth - I know you're waiting for some additional feedback for me, but my advice in the meantime (and running alongside what talk about) is to move your animatic into a 3D pre-vis - block modelling, stand-in pre-rigged characters (Moom?) but a concerted effort to understand the camera and space and on-screen choreography of your film. I'd treat this as another bold and fearless creative process, but I think you should just get in there with some characters, some basic sets and some precision camera work to truly understand the implications of your story :) Roll up your sleeves and just get in there :)

    1. That's great! I shall start doing that asap! I'll probably use moom and basic shapes to get a visual representation across in maya, I really want to work with clever camera angles to make this piece it's visually best! :3
