Monday 17 December 2018

Modelling Update - Character Design - The Cherry Red Shed - Myself

Preparations for adding the throat including tidying up linework so everything matches. Eyebrows and possible eyelashes are also yet to come.


  1. Hi Ruth. Don't make the throat go so far down the neck. All you need is enough so you can't see an open hole when the mouth opens. If you go too far down the neck it will cause skinning problems. Also, see the link below. This is an option for the eye texture...If it looks wrong you can always go back to a black sphere.

    1. Thank you! Ok I'll shorten the throat and see what I can do with that eye.

  2. Also...looking at your renders. There's noise in the shadows. Don't forget to set the 'samples' on lights to at least 3.

    1. Thank you, yes I will be cleaning up the renders for the finished piece, I've just been doing some quick renders and putting them on the blog to show what I've been up to :)
