Thursday 22 September 2016




  1. These are great fun, I like how you extended the drawings outside their box!
    It would be really useful and good practice to number your thumbnails because there are some really nice ones here and I can't easily express which ones they are. Top left on the first page looks great, has some great atmosphere!

  2. I really like the first one on the first page (top left) and the second one on the second page (top right). Helpful tip, numbering your thumbnails helps the viewer quickly and easily give feed back.

  3. Thank you both for your help it was very useful! I have now added numbers to all of my thumbnails and I'll look into further development for the images people are most interested in.

  4. Hi Ruth. Great to see so many thumbnails appearing on your blog and good job on a nice set of still life studies. Keep exploring thumbnails ready for next week. The more you generate, the better these skills will develop in the first few weeks. We'll talk more about how to develop these further tomorrow. But so far, a great start.
