Above is the process of organising multiple different conversations, some of which were around 40 mins long into a question and answer from my Grandad. After doing this I wrote down roughly every section on paper and numbered each one (as different conversations had slightly different themes) also parts of the conversations could jump around depending on what my Grandad could remember. I then photocopied my notes on what my grandad had said and further colour co-ordinated them based on the subject, as some needed to be moved around. I then cut them up and laid them out on a table so I could organise a fully structured conversation (a couple of pieces got removed as they didn't seem to fit well, more might be removed, depending on how long the conversation is as a whole). I am now in the process of stitching the sound files together and turning that into a script. I am eager to move forward with this as it's taken a lot longer than anticipated.